Sunday 6 October 2013


Now let's look into the next visual style for this project that is optional to use or not which is the Victoriana style. Victoriana is a style which consists of materials or possessions and items which were in the Victorian period. So this time period would be from the 1837's - 1900's. This design style would usually be based around work that was printed on clothing or different types of furniture. Similar to Steampunk its set in the same century and both these two styles occasionally entwine together through design and theme and i can see why they are somewhat similar. However Victoriana is more to do with beauty relating to decor, weddings and more of a posh and elegant feel. Whereas Steampunk is more industrialised and to do with science and being quirking and odd and out of place but relating back to Victoriana slightly because the era is around the same time.

Just browsing through some pictures it would seem that Victoriana's style in the form of clothing would be for women would be long gowns with small well fashioned hats and gloves and fans, whilst the men would be wearing waistcoats and suits with top hats. This style could be compared with dancing because at the era most people who were wealthy would usually go out to posh restaurants and own big mansions and at the time there would be many parties where dancing at the time was a popular activity as well as fine art.

Dance was a very popular activity at the time where a lot of dances were first introduced like the Waltz, Fox Trot, Polka, Tango and a lot more that were introduced in the late 19th century.

Most of the patterns for Victoriana would be slightly similar to Steampunk where they'd use floral patterns most of  the time, however Steampunk didn't emphasise this pattern type too much into its work.

The Victoriana style is slightly feminine and i can see why it was a suggested style since we have the option in our science poster projects to try to promote women more than anything to join some form of science.


The Image above portrays pretty much what style Victoriana is with the types of clothing both men and woman wore, as well as some of the interiors and activities people got up to for formal events like dancing etc. The colours in this piece are very light and creamy which represents the elegance of the women as well as their beauty. Also to give the Victorian feel.


Above portrays the interiors of people's houses and the types of furniture and decor they had in their homes at the time of this era. Most of the colours are greens, golds, reds, and browns from the carpet, antiques and other items in the house. This conveys the elegance of the period where people would have fine homes and dress well for small occasions.

In this piece of Victoriana this displays two women who are wearing complex dresses with huge head wear for a potential occasion. The clothing on both of the women are very elegant and seem to be portrayed that way, however the woman om the left seems to more of moodier or is portrayed differently to the woman on the right as she looks hopeless and innocent with her gestures. On the other hand the woman on the left looks confused and displeased in some way.

Despite this the use of the tint of this work helps to add to the era that it was set in and the creams in contrast to the females dresses help to make them both the main eye catcher.

This image above with the Victoriana style uses very basic clouring and shading with the colours being mainly a pinkish/cream tint along with  brown shading, which makes it look Victorian and adds to the period it was set in. The image is multiple people dancing at a ball of some kind, and at the time dancing had become a very popular appeal and what made people go out a lot more.

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