Sunday 13 October 2013

Layouts, Poster Design ideas and Colour Schemes!

After going into Illustrator to put a collage of typography together that i explored and researched i then decided to work on the poster designs and layouts and chose a few of the fonts from the collage to work with and began experimenting with placement, composition, colours and size. I didn't want to go full in to making a mock up since i feel like some of my ideas are a little complex to be doing it all since most of the ideas i have will need to be illustrated and that might take a lot more time at this point.

I started but making separate files and then moving and experimenting with the typography and placement and size to see what i might go for in my final product and to see what looked more appealing. I have to say all of these i really like but one in particular which is the first one i really admire the size of the text and the way i placed it which makes it bold and stand out. Its also a short and snappy tagline which is why i made advantage of making the text more larger to catch peoples eyes with single words.

I experimented with colour seeing what worked and what didn't and based on my research of steampunk is why i went fore particular colours since it fits the old theme of industrial steam technology at the time along with gears, goggles etc. I tried to create a different look on each design so i had more variety of style from steampunk however these AREN'T mock ups and AREN'T final layout designs i was only experimenting and even if i carry through one of these layouts or designs it doesn't mean it will look identical to what it does at the moment so don't worry.

 Some of these designs might look more empty and that's because most of my ideas are illustrated and would require more effort and time to put together something like that and these are just for experimenting with the colours, text, layout and designs as well so i didn't both with fully illustrating them all otherwise it would take too long and i haven't got all the time in the world to do it just for experimenting at this point.

These colour schemes are from the poster design layouts and posters colours were to experiment with what colours worked well and if i would possibly use the colours or not and since i haven't had time to look or experiment with colours a whole lot so i've given an overview at the bottom of the colours i believe i'll end up using based of the experimenting and my research of colours from steampunk in general. However as i start my poster i may experiment with more colours or change some colours or add more but for now these are the colours i'm most likely to use for my final product.

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