Tuesday 6 May 2014

More Web Design Inspiration

I continued to look at a variety of websites, whether they were responsive or not, But I was looking for more inspiring website designs in the layout and visual style and trying to look for websites that share similar visual styles to my concepts and ideas, based off my ibook.

Above is an example of a website which is to do with social recruiting as you can tell from the title of  website from the banner. This website uses flat design with its imagery and the colours help to compliment that nicely. Something I like about the homepage is that when someone were to access the site for the first time they'd see what is shown above, which is visuals and not much text. This helps to make the website more inviting and visually engaging than a website with a block of text at the top of the homepage.

I like how on the top of the homepage there isn't much text and the visuals are centred and minimalistic and the use of colour works really well, i also really admire the style and illustrations and i think that is one of the key important aspects of a website, visuals. I want my website to highlight the great aspects which will be the visuals and make the website more engaging  and fun with a good visual style, similar to my ibook.

Link to site: http://www.iuvo.si

The website I found really appealed to me as the use of icons drew me in for this website. This website reminds something similar to Xbox or Microsoft's style like windows 8 for example. Both the navigation is on the left with the icons in the bar at the side and in the centre of the screen as well. I really like the blurred background with the icons and the colour from the background has been worked well against the other colours in the type and images.

The best part of the website for me is the use of icons and it seems that a lot of websites have been implementing this idea in their own sites as its a good way to present the navigation in a visual way and makes the site more appealing for users. Its also a good visual reference for what you want to click on. I want to create a series of icons maybe for the navigation or maybe for other things to represent a topic, which i have done a lot in my ibook. I feel like the more visuals and the lesser text the better, as the user doesn't want to be overwhelmed by blocks of text nor to they want all the content to just be text with no visual references. I will make sure i balance the text out with the imagery and do it in a way which will make the text look less frightening and enjoyable to read.

In this next website there is a lot of design and a great deal of visually impressive style in the site, at least in my opinion anyway. Above is the website and has a very unique and cool visual graphic stye to it which is visually engaging. There is different type for certain parts of the website, for example the quote on the left. This works quite well and makes the website more interesting.

I really like this screen shot above because of the awesome icon graphic images, as well as the overall appearance. They use text behind the images which adds more interest into the page. The colours work pretty well and compliment the icons nicely and because all the icons share the same colour and are brighter than the background, they stand out a lot and grab the users attention. The icons help to represent small parts of information and when hovering over one of them will add information underneath which is a cool little asset to the website.

On the screenshot above there is an example of another page and uses bold text in order to make it eye catching and works well with the image as well. There is also a different background which has a pattern of dire in the background. the colours work well and the red from the text helps to make it stand out from the rest of the page. There is also a list of icons of how to contact the compact below which is a nice little asset to the page.

At the bottom of the page displays the visuals shown from the screen shot above. The website is built as one page and when clicking on the navigation it scrolls down to that section so the individual colour schemes for the sections, helps to break the content up and make them feel like individual pages instead of one homepage. The use of type and imagery works well together and has been displayed nicely in the example above, and i really admire the graphic style of the site and it helps to gain more interest for me and what makes me like it so much.

Above is another example I found which i somewhat liked. The icons are what caught my eye and really appealed to me, as well as the style of the site with the text at the top and the underline underneath and then the icons under that. The colours work pretty well and the icons really add to the site and make it that much more engaging and what pulled me in. I like the choice of colours and type as well as imagery, even though there isn't a large amount of it, the icons help to add the overall appearance of the site which is a good thing.

The website also grabbed my attention because of its contrasting colours. The website again uses icons within circles to represent information with some text underneath and that's a really good way to add information without it being too much or eye aching. The colours are very contrasting, but it works pretty well and what grabbed my attention. The website has some very effective assets to it and the overall style is appealing. I also like how the navigation is at the top of the page with everything else sitting underneath.

Link to site: http://fixedagency.com

Another website I found was another site which scrolls down as you click on the navigation, and this navigation is set up slightly differently where you can click the icon at the top and it will open up with the navigation, or you can simply click on whats already there. Each section within the site uses different colour schemes or flat colours to help divide the pages up and make them feel like individual pages and i think it works really well.

The type and style of the whole site is very appealing and it adds a light hearted feel to the site with a bit of class. The visuals are pretty impressive and are quite attractive to look at.

Above are a couple examples of some of the graphical imagery on the website and these are animated  to a certain degree. The website is responsive and the smaller the screen the graphics won't animate as it would be too overwhelming for an iPhone or a iPad. However I really admire the style of these graphics and how they can animate like this, its very engaging and nice to look at and I want to make sure my graphics that i add make people feel like that and engage people on the site.

The type on the site is very appealing and is one of the aspects i really admire about this website. Some on the text has personal touches of imagery for example the screenshot above have a little top hat which is pretty cute and adds to the type. The mixture of different type on the pages works nicely and creates more interest for the user and it helps to make the website feel more stylistic.

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