Wednesday 2 April 2014

Bookry - Overivew

Just to conclude my work, when working on this project we had to use widgets in order to create interactivity within our iBook. iBooks author had a variety of different widgets, like popovers, galleries, scrolling information boxes, and quizzes etc. However the software was slightly limited to what type of different widgets we could use.

Fig 1 - Bookry (Logo)

Our teacher Andrew at the beginning of the assignment showed us a place called 'Bookry' which is a website where you can download all sorts of different widgets for things like iBooks. The variety was a lot more wider than iBooks author and most of the time I used this place when wanting to get videos from 'vimeo' or 'Youtube' and place them in my iBook. The ways in which you have to do this is by grabbing the link and placing it within the space and also fill in all the extra info shown below in Fig 2, and then all you have to do is download it and drag it into iBooks author on the page you want it and it'll work fine for the user when they use the iBook.

Fig 2 - Example of widget on Bookry and process.

'Bookry' was a very useful place to get extra widgets that were a bit more adventurous and more interesting as well as more useful to add in our iBooks. Throughout this assignment I used both 'Bookry' and iBooks author's widgets in order to get the content I wanted in my iBook to create a variety of different interactivity for the user and also give the user a better and more engaging and enjoyable experience when using my iBook.

And as you can see below in Fig 3,4,5 and 6 is an example of the library of the widgets you can use and download from this site.

Fig 3, 4, 5, 6 (Widget Library -Bookry)

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