Saturday 21 December 2013

My book cover design decision

After the presentation i got mixed signals about which design to go for and originally wanted to go for the pattern design book cover as it portrays the themes and aspects of the story through the use of pattern imagery and does it in a way that would appeal to both teenagers and adults as well.

The main reasoning for going for this idea was because i felt like i put more effort into this mock up at the time than the other one and the design of it all looked more appealing and interesting than the other one with the bottle as much as i liked that idea, but i felt most strongest about this design and a lot of people including my teachers agreed and said they liked this idea a a lot more and it shows that this idea can be improved and enhanced to look even more impressive and eye catching as a design.

At the moment i'm currently polishing off my book cover and the poster and starting to work on the branding guidelines and will go more into depth about the design of the book cover and how much its changed and the posters appearance in another post.

But just a quick note my overall design of the book cover has changed a lot and I've done a lot to it and its a lot different from this mock up shown above.

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