Monday 30 December 2013

A2 Poster design

After creating the book cover we have to create a poster in relation to the book we've designed and promote the book as if its a book launch poster. The first thing i started was using my book cover design and placing it on a book which i worked on in Photoshop so it would give an idea of what it would look like in a shop and also promoting the book itself so people know its a book rather than a film poster or something, so wanted to make it clear it was a book launch poster promoting this book.

What i did to get my design on the book is first to find a book that i could used to place my design. I then did a couple adjustments with the front cover, by using a paintbrush which matched the colour of my cover and painted over any imagery or text that was on the book before. Afterwards I then got my design and went into 'Edit' 'Transform' then 'Distort' and angled my design according to the angle of the book to it would fit in perfectly, as if it was the actual book itself.

After creating the book i then went onto creating the poster and started by using the wrinkle tool on parts of the design so it would relate to my book cover like something that's been torn, giving that rebellious feel to the poster, and I also used textures for parts of the poster to give a slightly rougher look to it and then used the pattern from my design with a low opacity so it wouldn't be overwhelming or too heavy as i want the book to be the main focus.

As i created the main design for the poster i then placed the book in the centre of the poster to make it the main focus and eye catcher of the poster, i then rotated it up right to make it look more appealing and easier to see the book. Afterwards I then placed the text i thought would be needed in the poster which promotes the book.

This is the final appearance of my design for the poster which helps to promote the book and the book off the design i created. I've used both Rockwell for the main body text and Slab Thing for the title and author of the book and had them larger in font size as they are two of the key parts of the poster which are more important and need more attention.

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