Friday 6 December 2013

Book Cover Presentation feedback

The other day our class had to present our development and response to the brief and the show some of the research we did as well as our design and idea development and how far we came and what final ideas, colours, type design style etc we wanted to go for and why.

When i had presented i thought it went pretty well, i stood up, made body language in relation to presenting and made eye contact and thought i explained my ideas, and research i had done clearly confidently and justified why wanted to use certain elements in my ideas.

When i got feedback there was mixed opinions about my two main design ideas. In my proposal i wanted to go for the pattern design idea because i really liked the appearance and felt more confident with it as it felt more finished in comparison to the bottle blood design. A lot of people said they liked the pattern design a lot however thought that the bottle design with the blood was more stronger and was overall a better design.

Me personally i still really like the pattern one a lot because to me it looks more attractive and the comments on this design was mainly to get rid of the tron paper in the back as the blurb box and just have a dark box that  contains the info if i were to go for this design, otherwise they still all really like this design but just preferred the other one.

I dunno but i think the torn paper in the back cover works well, now i don't know but the reason some of them might not have liked it is because of the lines and the hole on the paper, but because it was a mock up i felt like its only a draft of what it was going to look like so i felt like i didn't need to have a finished design. So if i decided to go for this design i potentially might just get rid of the hole in the paper and lines and have it blank torn paper and it might work better.

In relation to this design a lot of people liked it a lot and did prefer it my other design i originally wanted to go for. However, despite the fact that they liked it more my teacher thought that instead of using two seperate images on front and back that i should use the knocked over bottle and have it overlapping both sides so its more of one design on both cover sides. Thinking about it did make me think that might be a good idea i did want to come back to this design and go for it as my final idea.

Overall most people said i spoke clear, well and presentation was in a good order and i presented very well but wanted me to go for the bottle design rather than the pattern one, so i'll experiment more with both of the designs and ask my teacher after doing so which one they prefer and see overall which is the stronger design by asking him and a few other classmates again what they think of the updated designs.

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