Saturday 12 October 2013

Recruitment Poster Designs

As i looked into all the different visual styles we were given and then having explored or colours for steampunk that are occasionally used i thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea to research in recruitment posters as i am doing one myself and i thought it might help me a little bit with inspiration and knowledge.

Below i tried to find recruitment posters that were related to recruitment as well as similar kind of the styles we were given to choose from.
When i saw this poster i thought slightly of steampunk with the similar colours like browns, greys, navy blues, reds etc and are used in a very bold and strong way. This poster is to try and recruit woman to work whilst the war is going on with a different variety of jobs from the use of imagery of the multiple woman doing different jobs. The way this would attract woman or catch their eyes would firstly be the use of the bold 3D font that says 'WOMEN' as well as the imagery of the woman as well. This poster doesn't so much persuade but demands them to with words like 'WOMEN' 'work to be done' 'NOW!' its almost forcing them or demanding them to get a job that's useful and that's what makes it eye catching.
This poster is trying to recruit woman of Britain to work in the factories and this find of reminds me of sci fi style of the 20th century with the visual style. The planes and the angle of the woman make her seem high and mighty and powerful and confident which is what this poster is trying to convince woman that joining will make you feel this way. The colour scheme is old fashioned with tinted colours but working very well together. The black box is eye catching and contrasts with the rest of the poster to have main message shown.
This poster is one i believe anyone can recognise, its the typical country army recruitment poster that most people must have seen at least once in their lives or the imagery of the man pointing at you, and has been reused for other recruitment's. The typography is is big and bold and uses a variety of fonts with both serif and san serif which makes the overall appearance a bit more interesting. The colours are more focused on the typography with the sharp reds and blues to catch your attention. The imagery of the man pointing immediately makes you think he's talking about 'YOU' which grabs your attention and interest making it feel more personal.

This poster is not only trying to recruit people to join the ARC but is also persuading you to donate and/or volunteer at the ARC which is helping rescue animals in danger or of a abuse or anything along the lines. Now the first thing i thought of when i saw this design was almost like a vintage poster with elements of pop art in some regards as the style reminds me of some pop artists. What i think makes this looks like pop art is the small colour scheme and the drawing style as well. This makes it simple but effective and bold which works well. The use of the woman and the dog helps you to see what good outcomes helping animals can to for society but also to yourself, it can make you feel strong and good to doing some so kind and generous. The text is bold and easy to read and gets the message across with just a few words, so overall short and to the point.

Overall all of these have a visual style and a layout of how to present recruitment within a poster and do it well. Some things i can take away from this is to use short and snappy words that are bold, easy to read and understand. The use of multiple fonts doesn't hurt and can make a poster look more appealing and using strong imagery and comparing it with the text that is in the poster which relates in some ways can also help as well. So i will take these ideas and thoughts on board as i tackle on my science poster design to appeal to women to recruit them to join A level Science.

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