Tuesday 10 June 2014

Crit and Feeback

The other day i presented my final piece to the class of the wonders of nature website to do with earthquakes. At the point before presenting my website the stage i was at was very close to the end process of finishing the site, so i pretty much had a finished site to show to the class, and i was very proud of the site i had created.

When i showed my site i talked about the responsive side a lot, to do with hiding certain aspects in the smaller versions and making it user friendly. I also talked about my pages and how the user would navigate through the site and also giving everyone an insight to the content i had added like the imagery, videos, and text i had used throughout.

I explained that on my chapter pages i had created separate boxes for content (which were similar in my ibook) and explained i wanted to give a bit of breathing space for the content. When i showed the section pages i told the class that i wanted the user to be able to tell the difference between a chapter page and a section page, explaining that the chapter page is an introduction to the subject which then goes on tangents in separate paths which are the sections which go more into a certain subject relating to earthquakes.

I told the class the way i made the chapter pages different to the section pages was by styling them slightly different with a slightly different visual look and layout, and explained that this would help the user to tell what is a chapter page and what is a section page. When explaining the navigation at the bottom of the section pages i said you could either go back to the chapter page or go forward and go to the next section or next chapter and because the home button is fixed on the screen if the user wants to go to chapter 1 to chapter 4 then can simply go back home and click on any chapter they wish.

Overall i covered what i wanted to cover about my site and i'm really pleased with how it looked. Once i had presented my website i wasn't given much feedback to be honest which was disappointing but the feedback i got was mainly positive. Someone pointed out that my style on the site and ibook are very similar and they would be able to recognise that they were the same thing and were made by the same person and was about the same topics, which i was pleased to hear and feel like i did try as much as i could to make my websites visual style very similar to my ibooks.

I did get a little bit of critique but didn't make sense to be honest. Someone in the class said that my site was non-linear, e.g. they couldn't go to wherever they wanted like from chapter 2 to chapter 4 or whatever. When i heard this i did mention that the user had the choice from the start on the homepage to click wherever they want and can go back home to go on another chapter, and because i  had fixed the home button navigation on the chapter and section pages, it allows instant access back home without having to scroll all the way back up the top of the page. This would then allow the user to go from chapter one to chapter 3 if they wanted. When i explained that to them they seemed a bit dumb for asking that question in the first place.

Apart from that i think everyone liked my website and loved the visual style of the site and how the content was laid out and the content that was there as well as how the user would navigate through the website, so i was very happy that i got an overall positive response from the class, even though most of them were quiet and wouldn't give me and many others much feedback when they were crating their work. Apart from that i'm happy!

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