Wednesday 23 April 2014

What is a Responsive website?

With this new assignment in the brief it states we have to create a 'Responsive' website. Originally I didn't know what this meant but our teacher whilst explaining the brief and our new assignment before half term told us that a 'Responsive website' is a website that can work and restructure itself automatically within different devices. For example when building a responsive website it can work on Desktop, iPad and iPhone, so that when people view a website they will have no trouble navigating and using the site as it being responsive website structures itself depending on the device its being viewed on, this allows the content no matter what to be viewable or simplified the smaller the screen i.e. on a smart phone.

When we think of the word 'Responsive' we'd think something that responds to something else, and when we apply it to a website it means the website can respond on all types of devices, leading it to fix itself in its structure and the content laid out making it easier and more convenient for the user.

The benefits of a responsive website is that it will work on all devices no matter what and this will make it more easier to access and navigate through the content. Not having a responsive website and just having a website without it being responsive could lead to issues for the user when wanting to go on a different device that it was built to fit when viewing the site. This can lead to a whole bunch of difficulties and issues for the user. 

It seems now that more and more websites are being made 'Responsive'  as its an easier approach to making a site, instead of building a site normally and then afterwards to do all of it again on a different device. It makes it more convenient and will allow the user to aces and navigate through the site on any device.

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