Hello I'm Matthew Davey a current student taking FdA Digital Media Design.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
What Specifically i plan to add in each Chapter
Below is information about each chapter and what i plan to have in each section and what i want to discuss in those sections within each of the chapters,, so its a bit easier to understand in more detail I'm thinking adding in the separate chapters and sections.
Chapter 1: What are they/Caused by
For this chapter I'm planning on giving an overview of what earthquakes are and how they are caused which will lead into the 1st section of the chapter.
Section 1: Tectonic Plates
With this section I will be discussing the main cause of earthquakes which is the tectonic plates and the way in which an earthquake is formed by the tectonic plates rubbing against one another and how this creates stress in the earth which builds up energy and how when one of the suddenly slip it creates an earthquake. So this section is more specifically how an earthquake is caused by tectonic plates in the earth.
Section 2 : Primary Outcomes
In my second section within this chapter i want to then go onto discussing the outcomes of earthquakes and for this section focusing on the primary outcomes like buildings/bridges collapsing as well as people dying from earthquakes etc. So this section will be quite small since its going to probably be a bit brief about the primary causes since their more simple and more obvious outcomes of earthquakes. However I'll figure out how potentially i can expand this section.
Section 3 : Secondary Outcomes
With this section I will be focusing on the secondary outcomes of earthquakes i.e. the ripple effects earthquakes can have. For example: Fires, Tsunami's, Landslides, Aftershocks. These topics within this section won't be extremely detailed but will be discussed in a decent amount of detail enough to provide a good amount of content for each on and for sure this section. Potentially this section can compensate for section 2 having slightly less content.
Chapter 2: Measuring Earthquakes
Within this chapter i want to discuss the measuring of earthquakes and how people go about finding out about earthquakes and how people tell if an earthquake is stronger or weak. Also i want to talk about how even with technology out there its hard to tell when an earthquake is coming.
Section 1: Unpredictable
With the first section of this chapter i want to first go into detail about the unpredictability of earthquakes and how its nearly impossible to know when an earthquake will erupt. However talking about how some tectonic plates gradually rub against each other so it might be easier to tell since the process of certain earthquakes might be slower but how a lot of earthquakes are unpredictable but usually the just suddenly shift out of the blue.
Section 2: Richter Scale
In this section i want to actually go in detail about the Richter scale and what it is and what its used for and how it can detect how strong an earthquake is by the use of the magnitude from 0-10, which can determine if an earthquake is strong or weak and talk about what values of magnitude mean what type of earthquake it will be.
Section 3: Strongest
For this section i want to potentially go into depth of some of the strongest earthquakes to have ever occured and what magnitude they were, so potentially have a tally or a list of the strongest earthquakes ever and the costs and damages of each one and maybe how long it took each country to rebuild their land.
Section 4: Weakest
With this section of the chapter i want to discuss some of the weakest earthquakes to have erupt in the world and make a tally or list of these and the magnitude of each as well as the costs and number of deaths so the strongest and weakest can be compared.
With these two last chapters i haven't decided which one will be 3 and which one will be 4 as i don't know what will be a better flow of structure within the iBook, so i will make my decision later but first lets talk about the topics.
Chapter 3: Tips for being Safe
With this chapter i want to talk about the common places for earthquakes and how people prepare themselves with practicing drills along with how building structures can withstand earthquakes and also if your in the situation of an earthquake or where its a common place for earthquakes what the essential before/during/after tips for being safe are.
Section 1: Common places
Within this section I want to discuss the general and more common places for earthquakes and why this is i.e. areas being closer to the edge of tectonic plates (pacific plate). This section won't have as much content as other chapters and other sections but it will give a decent amount of information.
Section 2: Practicing Drills
Section 2 of this chapter i want to contain information about how some of these common places because they are earthquake prone have to do regular earthquake drills and then talking about how this is beneficial so people. This helps to give an understanding of what people have to go through because of the earthquake prone places people live in.
Section 3: Buildings withstand earthquakes
In section 3 within this chapter i will be going into depth about buildings that withstand earthquakes and how engineers experiment and understand from them that it helps them to refine and design structures of buildings that can help withstand earthquakes. I'll also most likely be showing off some videos of structures that aren't made for earthquakes and the structures that are and the difference it makes to the structure after an earthquake.
Section 4: Before/During/After
This final section in this chapter will contain a wide range of safety tips and how to prepare for earthquakes before hand along with what should be done whilst one is occuring and what you should do after one has occured. This is a great way for people to get an idea of what actions should be taken and help them to know and gain knowledge if an earthquake should ever hit them. Afterwards i would like to have a little interactive quiz for people to answer some of the safety tips and what should be done in order for them to remember fully what should be done in the situation of an earthquake.
Chapter 4: Famous Earthquake/Tsunami (Tohoku, Japan 2011)
With this chapter i decided that i want to choose a famous earthquake that might have had some large impacts, and i decided that i wanted to research about the Japan earthquake which hit in 2011, so not that long ago.
Section 1: What caused the earthquake
Within this section i want to discuss what actually caused the earthquake in detail, about the tectonic plates etc and about how it led to a ripple effect of the tsunami and how that was caused from the earthquake in detail.
Section 2: Impact it had
I then want to go onto talking about the impact it had on Japan, so discussing things like: deaths, number evacuated, buildings etc damaged, effects of life afterwards, costs of damage, the nuclear crisis, impact on the economy. I know that there is a lot i want to talk about in this section however i won't be going really in depth with all the information, some i will more than others, some will probably present figures and statistics and others will talk and be discussed.
Section 3: People's Experiences
In section 3 i want to gather a couple of people's personal experiences from the earthquake that hey encountered in 2011 and their response to it and how they were feeling at the time and what position they were in at the time and how did they survive as well as what did they do to stay safe. This will help give more realism to what actually happened with some touching stories from people who survived the massive earthquake and tsunami.
Section 4: Overcoming earthquake
I then in section 4 want to talk about how japan overcame this earthquake and tsunami along with how the government and their support as well as the huge amount of support from international organisations and loads of countries and how much they donated. I then want to have some screenshots of around the earthquake and 11 months after the earthquake to see how Japan recovered through society and their environments after having to re-build a lot of areas in Japan from the earthquake and tsunami.
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